Recently, people are increasingly thinking about vacationing abroad. People want to see other countries, local exotics, learn a new mentality and get as many new impressions as possible. Nowadays in travel companies you can read about a lot of trips to foreign countries. Today I will tell you what the pluses of traveling to other countries.
It is unlikely that in hotels in Goa you can touch the cultural and national characteristics of the country, its traditions. Hotel rooms do not differ much from each other. The more popular a destination is with tourists, the less natural the locality and its attributes will be. Usually, all this is done for the undecipherable visitors. Going on your own journey, you can get acquainted with the locals, see their life and daily routine, and discover for yourself a unique historical and cultural treasure.
The Opportunity to Go Anywhere in The World
Bored with the popular destinations? You do not want to go to Egypt or Turkey, and dream to go to Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean, see Cambodia, Vietnam, or any other place? Implement these ideas is unlikely to be able to the travel agency. Such companies offer only those destinations that are in greatest demand. Otherwise, it will be much more expensive. Why overpay if you can set off on your own?
Tourism is based on the following principle: the greater the demand for the destination, the higher the prices of accommodation, food, souvenirs, and other things. For example, a pint of Guinness beer in Temple Bar (the famous Dublin neighborhood and tourist center) will cost about 5.5 euros. A few blocks away, you can buy the same beer, but for a euro cheaper. Buying a tour, the traveler will always get a set of clichéd and the most popular tourist spots with the appropriate price policy. The cost of tours often exceeds the cost of independent travel. And besides the trip itself, you also need to take money for food, drinks, souvenirs, and various entertainment. For example, a 9-day tour of the Netherlands can cost up to 1200 euros (plus extras). Organizing a trip by yourself, you can get by in 1000 euros. But keep in mind that the tours in hot destinations (such as Egypt, Thailand or Turkey) are cheaper. This is because travel companies often buy all the plane tickets or hotel rooms, and thanks to this get a decent discount, and then sell packages.

Choice of Any Route
It is not uncommon for novice travelers to go on a week-long bus tour of Europe. Sure, it’s an impressive and unforgettable vacation, but getting a glimpse of a few cities out the window and visiting the sights during small stops is a dubious pleasure. Such trips require waiting for latecomers in a group and visiting dubious tourist shops and stores. Going on your own, all this can be avoided. You can make an itinerary and visit only places of interest. Visiting museums of interest, wine cellars in France, castles in Germany, etc., depends on personal preferences, rather than the tour program.
Self-Development and Gaining Invaluable Experience
Traveling around the world, you can carefully study other countries and learn a lot of new information. Independent traveling abroad broadens the horizons, makes tourists more evolved, improves their communication skills. This is an opportunity to improve the knowledge of languages, to become wiser, to gain invaluable experience, and enrich your inner world.
The Opportunity to Avoid the Crowds of Tourists
How nice to choose the sights and places you want to visit by yourself. Choose a time when crowds of tourists will not spoil the unique atmosphere and flavor. No schedules and timetables.

Even the most deliberate and well-planned trips harbor mysteries and opportunities for discovery. Every trip is an adventure. You never know what lies ahead of you, who you will meet along the way, and what place or event will most impress you. Often the routes, directions, etc. change. Whereas in the purchased tour everything is predetermined, and you should not count on spontaneity.
Why Do We Need to Travel?
Most of us live in a “home-work-home” scenario, distracting ourselves from everyday problems only at the weekend, although these two days of salvation are often overloaded with business. We constantly have a lot of important and not very important information in our heads, we are in a hurry somewhere, we are afraid of missing a chance or have something to do. We try to think of everything a few steps ahead, but we forget to find a place in the busy schedule for ourselves. Our life gradually turns into a kind of endless race with obstacles – we strive forward to our goal, without looking around. In this race, there is a great risk of quitting the course even before the finish line, losing strength. If you feel that the life energy is leaving, and the picture in front of your eyes gradually merges into a gray blur, look around you: finally, look at the beauty that surrounds you along the way, and you will get a second wind.
So why do we need to travel? To feel free and strong no matter what. To discover unseen horizons, to learn new and interesting things, to be inspired and create. In order to feel life in all its fullness, to push aside the usual boundaries and find new facets. In order to see the most beautiful sunset by the sea and understand that this is more important than any petty problems that used to bring anxiety. In order to stand on top of the mountain to decide that from now on the hardest thing in your life will be a tourist backpack on your back, and with the rest, you will definitely cope.
Thus, regardless of the method of travel chosen, each trip is always justified. This type of vacation allows you to gain experience, expand your horizons and meet people. If you are a beginner, it is still better to buy a tour. More experienced tourists often choose to travel independently. Take a risk, dare! See the world! Good luck.