In summer in hot weather you can actually reduce the fuel consumption of the car, as its engine warms up to operating temperature a little faster than at other times, and the warm air itself causes less aerodynamic resistance than, for example, cold air. Also, some fuel manufacturers slightly change the formula (structure) of diesel fuel (summer diesel) in the summer and the consumption of the car becomes a little less than that of the winter diesel brand (in the winter period of the year.

The main reasons
The main reason for the increased fuel consumption in summer is a car air conditioner. It is the main reason for the extra fuel consumption of the car. Fuel consumption also depends on the level of humidity on the street and in the car, on the ambient temperature (nature) and even on the wind speed. In hot weather, a car with air conditioning on starts to consume 25% more gasoline or diesel fuel. And the most amazing thing is that by turning on air cooling in electric or hybrid cars, this fuel consumption can increase by up to 50%.
The second and most common reason for increased fuel consumption in the summer is open windows in the car. With open windows in the car, aerodynamic air resistance increases, which can be felt when there is a strong headwind or side wind.

What can I do or do to reduce fuel consumption in hot weather?
- At low speeds in hot, sweltering weather, try not to use the air conditioner. Open the car windows instead. When you reach a high speed, close the windows immediately and turn on the climate control or air conditioner.
- Do not set the cooling air on the climate control to a lower standard than necessary. The optimum temperature you should set should be 4 to 5 degrees less than the outside temperature itself. This will not only reduce your car’s fuel consumption but also protect you and your passengers from sudden temperature drops between the outside and the interior of the car.
- Try to park your car in the shade in the summertime. This way you avoid excessive heat (overheating) of the car body in the sun. Remember that if your car stands in the sun all day in hot weather, because of the heated body it will be very difficult for the air conditioner to cool the air inside the car quickly. The climate control unit will consume more energy when trying to cool the air of the car as quickly as possible, which will lead to a lot of overconsumption of fuel.
- Do not use the air conditioner while the engine is idling. When you stand still with your engine running, try not to use air conditioner (cooling), because after its activation when the car is parked, you will considerably increase a load on the engine, which will naturally consume more fuel than it should. Besides, you should always remember that while driving, air conditioner cools air inside the car much faster than while the car is standing still, because the engine is less loaded during driving.
- Be sure to read the owner’s manual that came with your vehicle from the factory. If you do not have such an owner’s manual, we recommend that you find one on the internet and download it. Typically, the vehicle owner’s manual will detail how the air conditioner or air conditioning unit in the vehicle works. Familiarize yourself with it carefully, how to properly use the cooling unit of your car.
- If you own an electric or hybrid car, you can also significantly reduce fuel consumption or energy expenditure. To do this in hot weather, you can cool the interior of the car at the very moment when it is charging the battery. It should also be remembered that when using the climate control when the minimum air cooling temperature is set, the car’s energy or fuel consumption will be increased.
- If you want to go on a trip in hot weather, choose a time for the trip that is not rush hour if possible. If you have the opportunity to postpone the trip during rush hour, then by doing so you will significantly save the fuel consumption of the car, which can grow with frequent stays in traffic, as much as 50% of the total and normal consumption. Also, when traveling try to use navigation maps, you need it in order to choose detour routes in advance, which will also save you fuel up to 20%.
- Drive calmly and don’t exceed the speed limit. Remember that no one has cancelled the laws of physics. The faster the vehicle travels, the higher the fuel consumption will be. Also remember that a more aggressive driving style (sudden acceleration at traffic lights and abrupt braking before it) can increase fuel consumption up to 33% when driving on the highway, and up to 5% when driving in the city.
- Avoid and refuse in hot weather cargo installed on the roof of the car. Any cargo on the roof of the car increases the aerodynamic drag of the vehicle, which naturally leads to increased fuel consumption by the car. A large and not streamlined cargo on the roof of the car can increase fuel consumption by 10 to 25% on the highway and by 2 to 8% in the city. At speeds of 120 km/h, fuel consumption may increase by about 10 to 25%. Try to use special aerodynamic roof racks to transport cargo on the roof of the car, which can reduce air resistance. 10. Use cruise control when necessary and reduce the weight of your car if possible. The cruise control feature also helps you save fuel on the highway. It helps you maintain a set speed without your input. If you slow down when braking, the car will slowly pick up exactly the speed that was previously set. Also remember to reduce the fuel consumption of the car can help and its reduced weight. Especially it is necessary to monitor the weight of heavy vehicles. If you have a lot of things in your car that add weight that you do not really need, remove them from the car, as they will certainly not be of use to you in the near future. Every extra kilogram of weight left in a heavy car can increase fuel consumption by about 2%.