Usually when designing a new model car manufacturers are trying to reduce not only the fuel consumption of the car, but also carry out modernization of the power unit itself to increase its power. But unfortunately, very often many car owners are simply not satisfied with the factory power of such a car. But not all motorists know that in fact and at will everyone can add extra horsepower to their car. There are (i.e. there are) several ways by which you can add power to your car and make it faster.
Increasing Engine Power
1. You need to reduce the weight of the vehicle body. Of all kinds and the easiest way to upgrade the power increase is, to improve the specific dynamics of the car itself. With this method, you can reduce the weight of your car yourself. By reducing the weight of the car in this way, you increase the power itself.
2. Installation of a reduced exhaust system on the car. Removing the old exhaust system and installing a new one with a reduced diameter pipes will allow you to add 5 to 15 horsepower to your car. It’s worth noting that if your car is also equipped with a turbo, the increase in horsepower can be much more substantial. Read also what does a cam do in a car.
3. Replacing the standard exhaust pipe with an exhaust system with a larger diameter. As a rule, in this case, only the part of the pipe, which is located after the catalytic converter, is changed. If you replace the standard pipe with another pipe with a larger diameter, you can add a few extra horsepower to your car.
4. Zero Resistance Air Filter. There is, and this is the easiest way to add power to your car. It is necessary to replace the standard factory filter with a free air flow filter (zero resistance filter) and then you can increase the car’s power by 2 to 3 hp. After all, in the end, if you have upgraded the whole car by passing all stages of such tuning, which we describe today in our article, in the end and in the aggregate on a circle will get a very decent increase in power of your car.
5. Turbine installation. Installing a turbocharger on an engine is not an easy task. Such an upgrade requires from the motorist a decent monetary investment. Work on the installation of the turbocharger includes quite a serious modification of the motor itself. Therefore, friends, remember, the work on the installation of the turbine in the car should be carried out only by professionals.

Method #2. Chip Tuning
1. Increasing the power of the car with chip tuning. Chip tuning is a change in the program settings of the electronic engine control unit or re-flashing of the whole factory program. By optimizing the different factory settings it is possible not only to increase horsepower, but sometimes even to increase the maximum torque.
It’s not uncommon for chip tuning to reduce fuel consumption as well. If your car is not equipped with a turbocharger, then as a result of such chip tuning the increase in power in the car will not be significant. Conversely, if your car has such a turbocharger, then with this new firmware of the engine management program, it will be possible to achieve a significant increase in horsepower.
2. Purchase of new electronic engine control unit. There are many different companies on the world market, which produce their own electronic computers, which are responsible for the operation of engines. On average, purchasing such an electronic powertrain control module will allow you to increase the power in your car up to 30 hp.
3. Please weigh the pros and cons before performing any power tuning. Before you perform any modification of your car power think beforehand if you really need it so much. With any kinds of electronic modifications the increase of fuel consumption is simply unavoidable. If the sellers of tuning equipment begin to assure you that the fuel consumption of your car will not increase even by one gram after the modernization, be careful with such assurances. You know, there are no miracles in the world.
After all, according to the same laws of physics we know that the more power, the more energy is needed for it. And in our case, the energy is the fuel itself. Yes, it is clear that at low revs the chip tuning itself and other types of work will not lead to an increase in fuel consumption. But with a sharp increase in rpm the fuel consumption of the car can increase by as much as 40 – 60%.
In addition, it should be remembered that the installation of a turbocharger also increases the very cost of owning a car. Here’s the thing, the car itself with such a turbocharger needs more scheduled maintenance. That’s something to keep in mind as well. Good luck to you friends!